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The Art Program is offered as a progressive six-year series of classes that culminate in Advanced Placement Studio Art:
Drawing and/or Advanced Placement 2-D Design.
Students who complete the program will have created a visual art portfolio that can be submitted to universities specializing in art or design as part of their admission requirements.
History of art, art criticism, aesthetics, and the production of artistic works are included in all courses.
The offerings are as follows:
7TH - GRADE Requirements:Requirements: Religion Spanish English History of Puerto Rico Algebra I (7th) Science Computer Leadership and Character Physical Education Guidance: 7th-grade Guidance Electives: French 1 Hip Hop Principles of Design
8TH - GRADE Requirements:Requirements: Religion Spanish English History of Latin America Algebra I (8th) Science Physical Education Women, Values & Sexuality Guidance: 8th-grade Guidance Electives: Culinary Arts French II Hip Hop Principles of Drawing
9TH - GRADE Requirements:Requirements: Religion Spanish English World History I Geometry Physics Technology Applications Physical Education Guidance: 9th-grade Guidance Electives: Dance Techniques Drawing French I French III Italian I Public Speaking Steam
10TH - GRADE Requirements:Requirements: Religion Spanish English World History II Algebra II Chemistry Physical Education Guidance: 10th-grade Guidance Electives: Artificial Intelligence Dance Techniques Drawing Painting French II French IV Italian II Public Speaking Steam
11TH - GRADE Requirements:Requirements: Religion Spanish English U.S. History College Algebra Pre-Calculus Biology Guidance: 11th-grade Guidance Electives: Human Anatomy and Physiology AP Biology AP Environmental Science Environmental Science AP Physics AP Human Geography AP Psychology AP Comparative Government and Politics AP Principles of Computer Science Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Sociology Dance and Choreography Experimental Drawing and Painting Painting French III French V Italian III
12TH - GRADE Requirements:Requirements: Religion Spanish English History of Puerto Rico Guidance: 12th-grade Guidance Electives: Human Anatomy and Physiology AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics AP Calculus Pre-Calculus Calculus AP Environmental Science Environmental Science AP Human Geography Introduction to Sociology AP Psychology Introduction to Psychology AP Comparative Government and Politics AP Principles of Computer Science Dance and Choreography Experimental Drawing and Painting AP Studio Art Drawing AP Studio Art 2D Design French IV AP French AP Italian Introduction to Business Introduction to Law Yoga
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